View Product eCatalogs

We make shopping fun, convenient and efficient!  Take a few minutes to browse and share our Product eCatalogs with friends and family.  The Product Catalogs below show our full-line of premier products that can be personalized and purchased.  For your convenience, once you have found your perfect product(s), you can submit your personalized order directly on our website too.  Be sure to check back frequently, as we continually update our product offerings to better meet your requests!


2018 Threaded Essentials

This catalog is your one-stop-shop for finding all your embroidery product essentials!

Threaded - 2018 Essentials eCatalog

2018 Apparel, Bags, and Caps Catalog

Be seen in 2017!  Our full-line Apparel, Bags and Caps Catalog has over 230 new looks.

2018 Business Uniforming

Curated collections for today's business professionals.

Threaded - Embroidered Business Uniforms

2017 Nike Catalog

Build your business with the world's #1 golf apparel brand. This catalog features 6 new looks for high-performance style on and off the course.

2017 OGIO Catalog

This catalog showcases the entire OGIO line - including polos, innovative gear bags and the all-new OGIO Endurance training and fitness styles.

2018 School & Team Color Guide

This catalog is tailored for schools, teams and groups and showcases 11 color choices.

2018 Alternative Apparel

With 41 authentically worn-in tees, tanks, fleece and more targeting the modern creative, Alternative can help you build your fashion basics business. Features 11 new and exclusive styles available only from SanMar.

2017 Sport-Tek Catalog

The 2017 Sport-Tek catalog includes 18 new game-changing styles for groups, school and communities.




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